The Miami Herald - Police agencies eager to see her mug shots

In March 2007 Joan Fleischman, a writer for the Miami Herald, asked to profile Steinberg and her Facial Identification Catalog in an upcoming issue of the newspaper. The article ran in the Miami Herald on March 14, 2007.

Forensic artist Samantha Steinberg has published an 84-page collection of male images, but it's no coffee table book. The Facial Identification Catalog is filled with 1,248 police mug shots.

Steinberg sketches crime suspects and murder victims for (a Major Metropolitan) Police Department. She assembled the catalog off-duty as a tool for colleagues.

The $75 book is drawing interest from cop shops. The Texas Rangers, Missouri State Highway Patrol and Penn State campus police bought copies, and orders are in from Boston, Houston and Las Vegas PDs. Kansas City forensic artist Lee Hammond, who sketches composites for police as well as America's Most Wanted and Court TV, also purchased one. "A lot more up-to-date than the FBI catalog," Hammond says.

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